A Legacy of Quality
EAG-LED offers the ultimate in product development, production, sales, installation and real time customer support for our new electric vehicle charging products.
As the use of, and demand for, electric vehicles increases exponentially, you can count on EAG-LED to successfully develop, install and support the most versatile line of AC and DC charging stations possible.
We continuously lead the environmental product field by constantly creating and introducing superior technology, and by increasing our investment in scientific research, to successfully meet market demand. Our new high tech EV Charging stations can support all requirements, including trucks and electric buses in addition to passenger vehicles.
These capabilities will provide a welcome, easy to install and use solution for any type and style of charging facility. This will allow you to easily solve most issues of difficult, slow, or unavailable charging and sudden insufficient power for car owners.

Innovators In Our Field
EAG-LED promises highest quality, extreme value and usability, considerate customer service and decades of no maintenance.
For more than twenty years EAG-LED has fully implemented international design, production and distribution in strict accordance with global environmental policies.
We will continue to research, develop, manufacture and supply the finest and widest range of advanced electric vehicle charging products, guaranteeing technological innovation, direct manufacturer pricing, superior technical support, and absolute satisfaction.